General Pilot Program Guidelines

The keeping of backyard hens and bees in the City of Leduc is controlled and enforced under the Animal Licencing and Control Bylaw; only those who receive a licence from the City are eligible to do so. Applicants must comply with all Provincial regulations around the keeping of hens or bees and meet all of the requirements outlined in the City’s Hen Keeping or Beekeeping Guidelines.

These guidelines establish the regulatory framework for the keeping of backyard hens and bees within the City of Leduc limits, and provide guidance for the selection of appropriate sites, the application processes and enforcement procedures to ensure a successful pilot program. In the development of these guidelines, the City of Leduc reviewed best practices, communication plans, outcomes, and mitigation strategies of other municipalities who have made allowances for urban hen and bee keeping. Bylaw requirements, potential health concerns, and provincial legislations were also carefully considered.

  • Hen keeping and beekeeping will take place in the fenced back yards of single-family homes. Single family homes are targeted for the pilot project, however multi-family homes that meet the space requirements may be considered in the future if the pilot program continues.
  • Sale of eggs, honey, chickens, bees, or any other hen keeping or beekeeping products is not permitted. Eggs and honey are intended solely for the consumption of program participants and their families.
  • Applicants may only participate in either the hen keeping or the beekeeping program, not both.
  • The participant must:
    • apply for a licence with the City of Leduc and receive approval,
    • bear all costs associated with the licencing and materials to keep hens or bees,
    • adhere to relevant federal, provincial and municipal legislation, and
    • take training and remain current with best management practices of City Hen Keeping or Beekeeping guidelines.
  •  Please note that an application does not a guarantee that you will get a licence:
    • The pilot project is currently limited to five participants for hens and five participants for bees
    • The City of Leduc has the discretion to deny licences due to concerns from neighbouring properties.
    • Hens and bees are prohibited on residential properties without an approved licence therefore applicants are not advised to invest in hens, bees, or associated equipment until they receive initial approval from the city.