How to Cancel A Booking

The City and participating schools require a minimum of 14 days' notice to cancel a booking under the Joint Use Agreements. This gives others a chance to book that time, and staff schedules to be changed. For the City, it also allows public drop-in opportunities to resume that may have changed to accommodate your booking. 

No-shows will be treated as a cancellation with no notice and a rental fee will be charged. If a user group has several no-shows, they may be deemed ineligible to make joint use bookings for the remainder of the school year.   

The City and Division reserves the right to cancel or amend bookings as required due to emergent priority bookings or if staffing levels cannot support a safe visit to the facility. The City or Division will work with user groups to reschedule. In the case of inclement weather (i.e., buses are cancelled, school closure) or if the City or school division cancels a booking in its facility, late cancellation fees will not be charged.