Joint Use Agreements FAQs

If you have questions about the City’s joint use agreements with Black Gold School Division, please review the FAQs below. If your question is not answered, please call 780-7177 or email

Why are after-school hours, PD Day and weekend school bookings of City facilities not included?
The Joint Use Agreements only apply to City-operated facilities on instructional days (determined by the school division) from September to June during the following times:

  • 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.: Indoor facilities and non-school site fields and diamonds
  • 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m.: School-site diamonds
  • 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.: School-site fields

Why are some City facilities not included in the Joint Use Agreement?
The Alexandra Arena and Outdoor Pool are not included in the Joint Use Agreement because they are primarily operated during evenings and weekends, and daytime school bookings would require additional City staff to accommodate. John Bole Athletic Park, the curling rink and Maclab Centre for the Performing Arts are managed through separate operating agreements that detail access and rates. The Kinsmen Tennis Courts and Alexandra Park Spray Park access are shared with the public, and are available on a first come, first served basis.

What equipment are school groups responsible for bringing to City facilities?
All equipment, aside from volleyball, basketball, badminton, pickleball and hockey nets must be provided by the user group. This includes balls, racquets, birdies, sticks, pucks, skates, helmets, sledge hockey sleds, brooms for broomball, pylons, etc. Any outdoor equipment that may cause damage to City facilities is not allowed for indoor use. Requests for specialized equipment may be possible and will be confirmed at the time of booking (fees may apply). Same day requests for net set up or use of City sports equipment may not be accommodated.

What does it mean when the City says that there are participant age, supervision, equipment and orientation requirements that must be met by school groups? 
For participant safety, City facilities have established requirements for minimum/maximum ages, supervision (supervisor to child ratios), equipment (CSA helmets in arenas) and orientation for each amenity. It is the responsibility of the school’s primary booking contacts to inform on-site supervisors of school groups about these requirements before their visit to a City facility.

Why do all school facility requests need to come through my school’s primary contact?
By limiting the points of contact the City can more efficiently respond/manage the hundreds of school inquiries and bookings that are received each year. This streamlines scheduling, invoicing and communications.

Why would a school booking made during the school year not be given priority?
The City ranks joint use bookings as third priority after special events and City programming when allocating its facilities in May/June for the upcoming school year. After this time, contracts for all user groups for the school year will have been confirmed and a school’s request will be accommodated on a first come, first served basis. Once scheduled and communicated, public drop-in opportunities will not be cancelled to accommodate a school’s booking request. 

What can I do if I don’t agree with the City’s or Division’s decision on eligibility of a group/activity booking?  
In the case of a school accessing a City facility, the school’s primary contact can request the City revisit the decision by contacting the City’s Recreation Services department at This must be received a minimum of 28 days prior to the booking. In the case of community groups accessing school facilities, the group’s primary contact can request the school division revisit the decision a minimum of 28 days prior to the booking by contacting the Facilities Rental Assistant with Black Gold School Division.                           

Why will I be charged for some activities but not others when booking City or school facilities?
The Joint Use Agreement allows free access to the facility but does not extend to:

  • Instructed programs that require additional City staff scheduled to deliver (e.g., swim lessons).
  • The use of specialty equipment (e.g., stage, tables/chairs) that may be rented and/or requires additional staff time to set up/take down.
  • When the size of the group or nature of the booking requires additional staff to supervise participants using the facility or clean up after the booking.  

City or school division staff processing booking requests will make the final determination on what fees will apply; this will be shared with you when your booking is confirmed. 

Why are schools charged when booking instructed programs offered by the City?
These registration fees cover the cost of delivering the programs, including staff resources that would not otherwise be required. Where available, school rates will apply. Examples include swimming lessons and yoga classes.  

Why are school user groups of 51 people or more charged $25/hour for each additional staff member required?
The City will alter/cancel public drop-in opportunities and bring in additional staff to supervise and clean up after a large group’s visit. The City will determine how many additional staff are required based on the type of booking and to meet safety supervision requirements (e.g., additional lifeguards).

What School facilities are included in Joint Use?

School facilities from Black Gold School Division and STAR Catholic School Division are included in the Joint Use Agreements. For minor community groups gymnasiums are available at all STAR schools in Leduc, with classrooms at junior and senior high schools only.

Why do community groups have to pay to book school facilities?
The Joint Use Agreements manage access for school groups using City facilities, and the City accessing schools, to host its publicly available drop-in and registered activities. Only qualifying minor user groups will have free access to STAR schools during Joint Use Times.

Why do only STAR schools include free access for local minor groups?
Only the agreement with St. Thomas Aquinas includes access for eligible community organizations during joint use times. As noted above, all schools are available for booking by community groups.