Beverly Beckett
CouncillorOn City Council
Deputy Mayor Appointments:
- April
- September
Board, Committees and Association Appointments:
- Capital Region Southwest Water Services Commission
- Citizen Recognition Committee (Sub-Committee of PRC)
- City of Leduc/Leduc County Inter-Municipal Development Plan Committee (IDP)
- Committee-of-the-Whole
- Leduc Arts Foundry
- Leduc Community Drug Action Committee (Sub-Committee of FCSS)
- Leduc Golf and Country Club Board of Directors
- Strategic Planning Committee
- Student Activities & Tours
Personal Information
Beverly Beckett was born and raised in Saskatchewan, following Grade 12 graduation, she moved to Alberta and has lived here since. She moved to Leduc in 1977 and is a Registered Massage Therapist, certified at MacEwan University. She is a former owner of a downtown business and held a professional practice for 33 years. She has two adult sons, three step sons and one step daughter, seven grand children, and two great-grand sons.
She is the past chair of Leduc Downtown Progress Association, director of Maclab Centre for the Performing Arts, past director of Leduc Regional Chamber of Commerce, current chair of finance at St. David's United Church, director of Alberta Recreation and Parks Association, and director of Caring Communities (United Way). Beverly sat on the board that created the City of Leduc Heraldic Coat of Arms, Flag and Badge in 2004. She received a 2010 Citizen of Distinction award and her philosophy is to 'bloom where you are planted.' She enjoys life serving Leduc in many capacities.
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