Public Education


Burn awareness

Burn Awareness Week, observed the first full week in February, is a week devoted to burn awareness and prevention in communities. 

No 'Butts' About It

Butt out.jpgPotted plants and wooden materials are no place to ‘butt out’ any smoking materials, we’re asking citizens to create a #FireSafe option of a ‘Butt Bucket’ for proper disposal. A butt bucket consists of a metal or clay bucket or pot, filling it three-quarters of the way with a non-combustible material, such as sand, and then placing it in a safe location on your deck/patio (not sitting or hanging on the exterior of the building).

Please keep in mind:

  • Always wet butts and matches before discarding them in a garbage container
  • Always keep lighters, matches and smoking materials out of a child’s reach
  • Never discard smoking materials on the ground, in garages or in dry, grassy areas*
  • Never throw smoking materials outside a vehicle window

*Adverse weather conditions can lead to fire hazards, Fire bans may be in effect to protect citizens and property.

Make Your Property Fire Safe

Learn how you can keep your home fire safe through simple property maintenance and design. Consider the construction material of your home, landscaping features and a maintenance routine to protect your home and yard from the risk of a fire.

Find out more ways to Make Your Property Fire Safe!

Fire Prevention Week

The first week of October is Fire Prevention week, designed to educate citizens on the risks involved with fire and to promote fire-safe practices to safeguard you, your loved ones and property. Follow along to our social media accounts and website for more information.

Alongside with Fire Prevention Week, Leduc Fire's Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Alarm program collectively targets neighbourhoods in the community to receive new alarms or have them tested as part of our collective fire prevention strategy. See if your home is eligible to receive this service.

Additional resources:

smoke detector.jpg