Municipal Development Plan amendment proposes land use changes to open community for growth

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The City is proposing updates to the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) that will allow for sustainable growth and densification in the community. The City’s MDP is a long-term document that provides high-level policies that direct land use decisions related to future growth and development. The City is revisiting the MDP to accommodate changes made to the Airport Vicinity Protection Area (AVPA) regulations and plan for growth in areas of the city that were previously constrained.  

The AVPA changes have created opportunities to develop certain areas of the city to better support accessibility, equity, and improved quality of life” says Teaka Broughm, City of Leduc Director of Planning and Economic Development. “To do so, our first step is to update the Municipal Development Plan to capture these growth opportunities and establish a framework that effectively guides future land use decisions in support of these goals.” 

If the proposed amendment is approved, the MDP will support: 

  • Residential and blended residential/employment land uses on the east side of Leduc, south of Telford Lake 
  • Consideration for more intensive residential uses, supportive commercial uses, and amenities within the identified Urban Village Nodes  

Resident feedback from May 2023 showed support for residential land uses on the east side of Leduc that are properly supported by infrastructure, services, and amenities.  

Other feedback expressed the need for careful consideration for natural areas and ecosystems, as well as seeking more certainty within the amendment area. As municipal development plans do not typically address the level of detail being sought by the community, these interests and concerns will be explored through subsequent land development processes, like the preparation of area structure plans and subdivision plans, that require detailed analysis of site-specific conditions.  

The City has referred the proposed amendment to Leduc County and any feedback received will be presented to City Council prior to second and third reading of the bylaw later this year. 

For more details about the MDP update, visit