Lede Park Road Project FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a road realignment?

Road alignment refers to the path that the road has been constructed along. A road’s alignment is determined by considering factors such as vehicle speed, turns, curves and landscape features. When a road is realigned, its path is adjusted to better suit some of these factors and improve the flow of traffic and pedestrian safety.

Why does Lede Park Road need a realignment?

Lede Park Road’s realignment is part of the Telford Lake Master Plan, which focuses on developing the area around Telford Lake to connect residents with the many recreational and natural features in the area. Realignment of the road will not only improve the flow and safety of traffic by removing unnecessary ninety degree turns but it will also make future development of the park space possible.

How will this affect people, organizations and groups who use William F. Lede park?

Because William F. Lede Park and all of its facilities will remain open during construction this project will have minimal impacts on groups, organizations and people who regularly use the park. The City will be clearly marking spots for alternate access, parking and pedestrian routes. The City will also be working closely with organizations and groups to make sure that any impact to their use of the park is mitigated during construction.

What about special events?

All events scheduled to take place in William F. Lede Park will go ahead as planned. The City is working closely with organizers of special events to help mitigate any impacts construction may have. For select larger events, Lede Park Road will remain closed but the City will stop construction entirely for certain days/ weekends so it does not disrupt activities.

Will I still be able to use the multiway?

Multiway along Lede Road near the Dog Park will be closed during construction, but alternate pedestrian access will be clearly marked so that residents can continue to access the dog park. 

Will the K-9 Off-leash Dog Park be open during construction? What about the Compost Facility and the Community Gardens?

The Dog Park will remain open during construction. The Compost Facility will also stay open during construction, but it will not be accessible from Lede Park Road. An alternate entrance has been set up on 48 Avenue, which can be accessed from 44 Street. 

The Community Garden will not be impacted by construction and residents will continue to be able to access the garden along 48 Avenue.

Will traffic through the South Telford neighbourhood increase?

Residents in the area may notice a slight increase in traffic because no thru traffic to and from the Leduc Recreation Centre along 48 Avenue will be possible. Entry to the Leduc Boat Club, Community Gardens and Compost Facility along 48 Avenue will only be accessible from 44 Street. Safety of our residents is a priority of this project, so the City will be monitoring the area during construction. If you see anything that may violate city bylaws, you are encouraged to contact Enforcement Services directly at 780-980-1537

Does this project affect wildlife and trees in the area?

Preserving the environmental integrity of Telford Lake’s ecosystem to ensure that everyone will be able to enjoy the many natural features in the area is a priority of this project. The City has consulted with environmental professionals to make sure all ecological considerations are taken into account during the design and construction of this project.

To allow for the new alignment, some brush clearing will be completed along Lede Park Road; although a few trees will be removed, the majority of this clearing will consist of brush, shrubs, long grass and other small plants. Any trees that are removed will be replaced once construction has concluded. Brush clearing will also take place before nesting season to comply with environmental legislation and recommendations.

Who can I contact if I have any questions or concerns about this project?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Project Manager by calling 780-980-7107 or emailing engineering@leduc.ca