Leduc Registration Centre is Closed

Thursday, August 17, 2023

After registering and finding accommodation for more than 732 people, the Leduc Registration Centre, operated in cooperation with the Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) closed at 8 p.m. on Aug. 17 and will not reopen. Accommodation in the City of Leduc is now at capacity. 

A reception centre will open at the Edmonton Expo Centre on Aug. 18 at 12 p.m. 

“I am so proud of our hotel community and staff for stepping up to the challenge and welcoming hundreds of people into the City of Leduc,” says Bob Young, Mayor of the City of Leduc. “Thank you to our residents, who were quick to reach out looking for ways to provide support. Leduc is a kind and caring community, and that definitely shined through today.” 

The following services and supports were provided in Leduc (as of 7:25 p.m.): 

  • 732 people were registered into the provincial system 
  • 241 local hotel rooms were assigned 
  • Personal services like hygiene kits, diapers and formula were available to help meet urgent needs for items that may have been left behind.  
  • Alberta Health Services were on-site to provide first aid, mental health and addiction support. 
  • An Indigenous Advisor was available. 
  • A kid's zone was set up for children. 
  • Pets were permitted in the facility due to high temperatures. 

Information for evacuees: