Take an Active Role in the Community

The best way to prevent family violence is to create and maintain healthy relationships with those around you, including your neighbours.


Become a Super Neighbour is Leduc’s initiative promoting community spirit by encouraging citizens to get to know each other.

  • Consider organizing a neighbourhood block party - the perfect opportunity for people to get to know one another and have some fun.
  • Super Neighbours are leaders and team builders - recognize one of them by nominating them for a Good Neighbour Award.
  • Getting to know your neighbours is the first step in creating a healthy relationship. Say hello the next time you see them and strike up a friendly chat.
  • Help those who are sick or struggling. Meals, play dates and/or babysitting can be a great help when someone is in need.
  • Organize a neighbourhood clean up day in the spring, summer or fall. Help trim bushes, clean up nearby walkways or help plant some flowers.
  • Perform random acts of kindness. Find ways you can help like picking up your neighbour's mail when they are away or shovelling their walk in the winter.
  • Stay in touch. Organizing smaller gatherings is an easy and fun way to stay in touch between larger parties and functions.
  • Has someone done something nice for you? Write them a thank you note to show your appreciation.

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